it’s not a fucking podcast.
we’re doing something new today, folks. batten down the hatches.
everyone knows that podcasting is ran through. I’m literally the first one to shit on someone for starting a podcast in 2023 cuz like why would you do that. however………….
I’m launching an audio/visual component of the blog which I will call og: av. get it?
there are just certain topics that I think would be better covered if you can see and hear me talk about them. it’s going to be extremely informal and probably 100x less sophisticated than the already unsophisticated written blog posts. please lower your expectations accordingly. don’t get me wrong, it’s still gonna be cool as fuck cuz like…this is me we’re talking about. I flop as often as I drink. aka never, bitch!!!!!
really the only thing I needed to make clear before publishing my first post is that it’s not a fucking podcast.
let me know what you think! especially if it’s negative <3